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Field Model


Normal fields and array fields both share this properties:

  • $value - Derived store based on FormModel $values
  • $isDirty - Derived store based on FormModel $dirty. Set to true when change event been called with specific field path.
  • $isFocused - Derived store based on FormModel $dirty. Set to true when current focused field on FormModel is the same as specific field.
  • $isTouched - Derived store based on FormModel $dirty. Set to true when focus event called with specific field path.
  • $errors - Dervied store based on FormModel $errors. Contains schema validation errors related to the field
  • path - field string path inside the values object on FormModel $values`
  • set - setter event which accepts value you want to set for the field (IMPORTANT: doesnt trigger dirty state change).
  • change - setter event which accepts value you want to set for the field (IMPORTANT: TRIGGERS dirty state change).
  • changed - event which you want to use to subscribe to react to field value change (called after change was called and value has been set)
  • focused - UI event which you can subscribe to and which supposed to be called which field gets focused by user
  • blured - UI event which you can subscribe to and which supposed to be called when field lose focus


Fully extends BaseFieldModel


If certain property on fields object has array value type it gonna be typed as LiseFieldModel which extends BaseFieldModel and also has:

  • remove - event which is wrapped change but accepts position of the element you want to remove. Possible values are 'first', 'last' or number.
  • add - event which accepts an object which looks like {at, value}. at accepts the same params as remove event and value accepts the value you want to add at specified position (it doesnt remove existing item at provided position but only adds new value)

Released under the MIT License.