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Yup validator provides schema input for createForm method and yup schema validation logic. Package has only one method and it's applyYup which can be used as follows:

// ...
import { applyYup, ApplyYupParams } from '@filledout/yup'

const lib = createLib({
  showValidationOn: [

const createForm = <V>(params: CreateFormParams<V> & ApplyYupParams<V>) => {
  const $$form = lib.createForm<V>(params);

  return {
    // attaches validation logic and drops extra fields form final form model
    ...applyYup($$form, params)

ApplyYupParams in example above adds extra field to params which is schema which accepts yup schema

applyYup call returns:

  • $schema - schema which was passed into createForm params
  • $validating - because validation is async by default there's a state which says if validation is in process

Released under the MIT License.