Forms are fully dynamic
You can have any values shape you want. Units you refer are generated on default if you access any unit related fields for example.
// Will return $$form.$ => values?.my?.deeply?.nested?.field ?? null) store
// will return $$form.change.prepend((value) => ({value, name: 'my.array.0'}))
Let's take a look at example form which contains array in it's values which also has objects inside of it
type Role = {
id: string;
name: string;
type Values = {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
roles: Role[];
const $$form = createForm<Values>({
schema: object({
firstName: string().required(),
lastName: string().required(),
roles: array()
id: string().required(),
name: string().required()
values: {
firstName: '',
lastName: '',
roles: []
// you can get any deeply nested field on demand just by referencing for example you can even reference index items of any array inside values
// const setFirstRole = $$form.fields.roles[0].set -> will give you an event for that specific field path
// consider not refercing index items tho because you're creating units for something you will not use later (maybe)
const options = [
{ id: 'role1', name: 'Role1' },
{ id: 'role2', name: 'Role2' }
// we don't want to reference "fields" inside the render to much if possible because it's an extra calls for a fields proxy
const $roles = $$form.fields.roles.$value;
const AddUser = () => {
// useFields adds extra proxy to save reference that you may need for a memo components
const fields = useFields($$form);
// let's map current value for roles field
const roles = useUnit($roles);
// Check Field section of the docs for a refeerence
return (
<Field.Input field={fields.firstName} label='First Name' />
<Field.Input field={fields.lastName} label='Last Name' />
{, index) => (
<div key={index}>
{/* For */}
<Field.Select field={fields.roles[index]} options={options} />