Manipulating the form
So basic forms are pretty simple but what about more features? Let's make a profile form which pulls data from external $profile store which contains default form values we need to pull in.
model.ts file will be as follows
// let's pretend that we get data for that store somewhere
const $user = createStore<User>();
const $$form = createForm({
// herer we pass user store as initialValues
// possibly you could want to manually .map $user values to initialValues to omit extra fields
initialValues: $user,
// by setting this flag to true form will start watching for changes of initialValues and if values been updated form will reset it's state and set new initialValues as values
reinitialize: true,
// NOTE: schema can also be a store which contains schema so if you need to generate it on go (for example some external validation settings you can pass store there)
schema: object(...)
export { $$form }
and ui.tsx is:
import { $$form } from './model.ts';
const Login = () => {
// onSubmit can be manually mapped by using useUnit from $$form.submit
// fields can also be separatly mapped using useFields hook
// check api reference on useForm on topic of mount validation call
const { onSubmit, fields } = useForm();
// let's make a manual reset feature there
const [onResetClick] = useUnit($$form.reset);
return (
onSubmit={() => {
<Field.Input field={fields.firstName} label='First Name' />
<Field.Input field={fields.lastName} label='Last Name' />
<button type='submit'>Save</button>
<button type='button' onClick={onResetClick}>